7,000 +/- acres Terrell County, Texas located approximately 110 miles west of Del Rio, TX. out Hwy. 90. Property is north of Hwy. 90. Approximately 12 miles northwest of Dryden or 20 miles northeast of Sanderson. Approximately 270 miles west of San Antonio. From Dryden go approximately 6.5 miles west on Hwy. 90 then north on Dyer/Mitchell Road (a private caliche road) approximately 3 miles then 2.5 miles north on a private deeded easement. The Terrell County Airport is only 6 miles away.
General: Beautiful gently rolling hills with some large draws to rugged limestone rim rock hills with scenic bluffs. There are some big wide valleys with good soil and heavy brush for game habitat. Elevations run from 2,400 feet to 2,650 feet above sea level and there are some outstanding views. There are some wet weather creek bed valleys such as Downie Draw that produce a multitude of trees and brush...
General: Beautiful gently rolling hills with some large draws to rugged limestone rim rock hills with scenic bluffs. There are some big wide valleys with good soil and heavy brush for game habitat. Elevations run from 2,400 feet to 2,650 feet above sea level and there are some outstanding views. There are some wet weather creek bed valleys such as Downie Draw that produce a multitude of trees and brushes. The trees, brush, weeds, forbs, and grasses found on the ranch provide outstanding habitat for wildlife, particularly deer, bobwhite quail, blue quail, and turkey. There is a diversity of wildlife feed on this property. The excellent tree/brush coverage includes: live oak, hackberry, mesquites, kidney wood, walnuts, catclaw, persimmon, mescats, juniper, lechuguilla, black brush, algerita, cenizo, guajilla, sotol, rosin, quayacan, ochotilla, and others. Many of these are high in protein and allow for good antler growth. Grasses include black grama, sideoats grama, hairy grama, bluestem, green sprangletop, sand dropseed, and fall witchgrass. There are some broken hills and canyons that range from rugged to moderate. There are no neighboring easements through the ranch and big neighbors around the majority of the ranch. The ranch has good neighbors according to owner. The neighbors to the north, east, and west range in size from 8,000 acres to 15,000 acres. There are no oil or gas wells on the ranch. There is a good road system throughout most of the ranch. There is also evidence of many Indian campsites throughout the ranch.
Improvements: Electricity runs through a good portion of the ranch and is provided by Rio Grande Electric Co-op and the ranch is fenced. The fences are in decent condition with all sides being low fenced except 6,000 feet, which is high fenced in the southwest corner.
Price: $295 per acre or $2,065,000. 2005 taxes were approximately $1,700 according to Terrell County appraisal district and the ag-exemption is in place.
Comments: An excellent hunting ranch with beautiful views, big wide valleys, a good variety of high protein brushes and good potential to grow big deer. (Some of the enclosed game photos are from the adjoining ranch).