Town: Modena
County: Mercer
State: MO
Taxes: $97
Terms: Cash, payable at closing
Land Use: Of 40.07 farmland acres: 27.03 in CRP, timber
Possession: Upon closing
CRP Acres: 27.03
CRP Description: 27.03 acres enrolled at $183.01 per acre for an annual payment of $4,947 with an expiration date of 9/2026 (Mercer County FSA)
FSA Description: Corn Base 0.0, 0 PLC Yield; Soybean Base 0.0, 0 PLC Yield (Mercer County FSA)
CSR Description: NCCPI- 86.6 (Surety Maps)
Comments: Presenting the Ulring 38 Farm located in Mercer County, Missouri! This farm has great hunting potential being a CRP farm with some timber. This property has highway frontage to the south and is very flat with great black soils. There is also guaranteed CRP income until 2026.