Located about 50 miles east of Oklahoma City, this farm is in a great location for someone close to the city to have an excellent recreational tract. A half-mile of gravel road frontage brings you easy access and electricity gives you the option to build a hunting cabin or home. Large hardwood timber, as well as many thick underbrush pockets, provide great wildlife habitat. There are multiple native grass clearings that will make incredible food plot locations and the many large pecan trees mean plenty of tree stand locations. Three small ponds provide a consistent water source for game and livestock, and a small wet weather creek provides a seasonal source. Surrounded by big pecan bottoms, you can expect to see the occasional wild hogs and turkeys. This farm has the potential to be a truly amazing hunting property, you aren’t going to want to miss out on this one.
Property Features:
- Phe...
- Phenomenal hunting potential
- 3 small ponds
- Large hardwood timber
- Gravel road frontage
- Electricity nearby
- Beautiful native grass pasture