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Indio Canyon Ranch

Indio Canyon Ranch is 240.069 acres in Grant County NM. Nestled in the Mimbres Valley, this ranch offers an attractive mountainous terrain with the historic Indio Canyon traversing the center. The Monsoon season creates small water pools that grace the canyon, making it a thriving environment for the vast amount of wildlife (including Deer, Mountain Lion, Turkey, Javelina and many bird species) that inhabit the ranch. This ranch offers a great hunting opportunity with over 160 acres of unrestricted hunting. In New Mexico, landowners are able to purchase a Private Land Only Deer tag over the counter to hunt their own property or, with written permission, someone elses private property. In unit 24 Mountain Lion tags are over the counter as well as turkey during the season The property is partially fenced, features a small set of pens, two livestock drinkers, and a well-maintained ro...

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