523 Acres of prime Ozark Highland with lots of water including a full time spring fed creek, wildlife pond, reliable spring, "Big Mouth" cave, about 140 acres creek bottom pasture, balance is heavy timber with some mature white oak and walnut trees. Some mixed woodland pasture; old house site w/barn, electric service at old house site. The spring that feeds the creek is reliable. Farm has been in the same family for over 140 years. Age forces sale. The fertile creek bottom land has been row cropped and could be again; currently in pasture. One acre of creek bottom will produce more than several acres of upland. ONLY $785,000.00. Located only about 5 miles East of Licking with county road access, 1 mile off of state highway. Come on now! What is wrong with this offering? Contact Ed Green Realty to set an appointment to look.
From Licking go East on MO32 4 miles to Cadle Rd., right on Cadle Rd. 1 mile to property on the left with sign at gate. Please contact Ed Green Realty to show.