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Worth Co., IA - 184 Ac. (020-367-1)

Abundant Pheasant, Deer & Turkey Populations on this Worth County Farm!

184 acres, m/l, with 173.5 FSA crop acres all enrolled in CRP contracts. CSR2 on crop acres is 20.7 (CSR 30.7).

CRP Contracts

-40 Ac. contract pays $4,103 annually and expires 9/30/19

-80 Ac. contract pays $7,051 annually an expires 9/30/19

-34.8 Ac. contract pays $4,060 annually and expires 9/30/18

-17.9 Ac. contract pays $2,837 annually and expires 9/30/22

There are abundant pheasant, deer and turkey populations on this property. It is a potential waterfowl haven!


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