170 acres with 3,644 feet of beautiful frontage on a state owned 82 acre lake. There are only 5 houses on the entire lake. This is the last remaining privately owned buildable parcel here with the balance of the shoreline being Natchaug State Forest. Maps do not show the state's most recent (last 24 months) purchase of 57.5 acres for $10,000 per acre which adjoins this parcel as well as sizable tract of the 12,000 acre Natchaug State Forest. This parcel for sale now abuts the state forest on both the south and east sides. With good swimming and an 8 mile per hour boating speed limit, the 14 foot deep state Bass Management Lake is also part of the Willimantic Watershed and is used for drinking water further downstream at Mansfield Hollow Dam. The property is located about 12 minutes east of the University of Connecticut. Ashford shares the school system with Mansfield/Storrs and the high ...
170 acres with 3,644 feet of beautiful frontage on a state owned 82 acre lake. There are only 5 houses on the entire lake. This is the last remaining privately owned buildable parcel here with the balance of the shoreline being Natchaug State Forest. Maps do not show the state's most recent (last 24 months) purchase of 57.5 acres for $10,000 per acre which adjoins this parcel as well as sizable tract of the 12,000 acre Natchaug State Forest. This parcel for sale now abuts the state forest on both the south and east sides. With good swimming and an 8 mile per hour boating speed limit, the 14 foot deep state Bass Management Lake is also part of the Willimantic Watershed and is used for drinking water further downstream at Mansfield Hollow Dam. The property is located about 12 minutes east of the University of Connecticut. Ashford shares the school system with Mansfield/Storrs and the high school abuts the UCONN campus. The land has abut 500 feet of road frontage on Kennerson Reservoir Rd with all but about one acre being in Ashford with the balance in Eastford. This parcel does not require subdivision application or approval to be split into two parcels and the owner would consider selling half. Also, the state's director for the Heritage Trust acquisition program has indicated to the listing broker in the past they would be interested in this parcel as the state prioritizes property abutting existing state land and waterfront; however the process is sometimes lengthy and it is not known how robust the present budget is for such an acquisition at this point in time. In the past the listing broker has helped in advising owners regarding such sales, such as one parcel in nearby Woodstock where the two owners each kept 10 acres for themselves while selling the remaining 150+ acres to the state. Asking price is $4,572 per acre.
Rte 198 to Kennerson Reservoir Rd