This is a beautiful 182 acre Tennessee farm with unequalled peace and quiet. Located on a quiet dead end county road, this farm in comprised of 70 acres of hayfields and 110 acres of mixed hardwoods with a spring-fed creek, 2 stocked ponds and a sunny, bright and open layout 2,100 sq. ft. 3Br/3Bath home. There is plenty of year round water for horses or livestock with a spring-fed creek, 2 stocked ponds. This property also has a 30x60 Bigbee metal storage building with 120/240V service and 50Kw emergency generator. Unequalled peace and quite as a family residence, weekend retreat or a versatile and beautiful Middle Tennessee farm. Only 35 minutes from Florence, Alabama, 1 hour from Huntsville, and 2 hours from Nashville. See the Video Tour.
30x60 Bigbee metal building with 120/240V service
50KW emergency pto driven generator
60x120 chainlink fenced deer-proof garden spot
Cherry, peach, apple, plum, pear, and black walnut trees
Blueberry planting
Multiple year-round springs converging into spring-fed branch
Spring water supply to house
Two ponds stocked with bass and sunfish
70 acres of hay-producing grass/clover mix
$190,000 in marketable timber
From Collinwood, Turn left onto 4th Ave (TN-13) 2.1 miles, Turn right onto Bear Creek Rd (TN-203) 7.0 mile, Turn left onto Cromwell Ridge Rd 1.2 mile to Right onto Von Tress Rd to sign on left