Come and build your weekend cottage on this beautiful property located in the serene area of Callender Lake. Just 30 minutes from Athens and Tyler. Callender Lake is a 365-acre spring-fed lake where you can enjoy boating, fishing, and all the water activities on the lake. This is the perfect property to relax with all your family for this upcoming spring break. Call us today before its gone!
GPS Coordinates (center) at the road: 32.359,-95.6895
Northwest Corner: 32.359,-95.689
Northeast Corner: 32.3589,-95.689
Southwest Corner: 32.3591,-95.6895
Southeast Corner: 32.3589,-95.6895
Elevation: 480'
Legal Description: Acres: 0.210 Blk: 16 Lot: 9 Addn: Callender Lake II
Access: Paved Road
Power: Provided by Trinity Valley Electric Coop. (903) 675-5688
Water: Provided by Southwest Water Co. (866) 654-7992
Sewer: A Septic Tank is Required
Zoning: Vacant-Residential Land
RV Living: Temporary
Mobile Home Living: Not Allowed
Manufactured Homes: Not Allowed
HOA: Callendar Lake $75.00 Per Year
Taxes Per Year: $ 57.00
County Contact Information: For more information, call Van Zandt County Planning & Zoning at: (903) 567-2826
Conveyance: Warranty Deed