LOCATION: Approximately 3 1/2 miles southeast of Burwell, or 8 miles northwest of Ord, Nebraska on State Hwy 11.
(farm located on the corner of State Hwy 11 & 821 Road)
DESCRIPTION: NW1/4 except highway; NW1/4 SW1/4 less canal and a 6.9 acre tract; all in Section 8-T20N-R15W of the 6th
P.M., Valley County, Nebraska
DESCRIPTION: Valley County Assessor indicates a total of 183.27 acres. Farm consists of gravity irrigated and dry cropland
with wooded pasture.
AGENCY INFO: Total Cropland - 141.43 acres
Government Base Acres - Corn 141.4 with a PLC yield of 160 bu/acre
All cropland is considered non-highly erodible by the NRCS
INFORMATION: Water for irrigation is provided by 144 acres of water rights from the North Loup River Public Power &
Irrigation District. Farm is located in the Lower Loup Natural Resource District, and contains 141.43
certified irr...
certified irrigated acres.
SOILS: Soils of the cropland consist primarily of Class I and II Hord and Cozad silt loams, with slopes of 0-3%.
Soils of the wooded pasture consist of Coly, Hobbs, and Cozad silt loams, with slopes ranging from 0-60%.
IMPROVEMENTS: A vacant improvement site consisting of an older house, bins, and out buildings is located in the southwest
portion of the NW1/4.
TAXES: 2016 Real Estate Tax - $9,891.40
LIST PRICE: $865,000.00 CASH
COMMENTS: This farm offers highly productive cropland, along with wooded pasture which offers both agricultural and
recreational amenity.