Sanchez Canyon Ranch
State: New Mexico
Region: Northeastern New Mexico
County: Union
Property Type: Cattle Ranch-Recreation-Hunting-Development
Acres: 677 acres more or less
Price: $495.00 per acre
Taxes: Approximately $217.19 annually
Location: Southwest Union County, New Mexico
This beautiful 677 acre +/- ranch is located approximately 20 miles west of Clayton, New Mexico on Highway 56 thence south 10 miles on County Road Barney and can be used for multiple purposes as not only a cattle ranch but also has tremendous hunting and recreation potential.
The ranch is divided into two pastures and one 10 acre trap with a small set of working pens located in close proximity to a 30X40 shop which is insulated and has a cement floor. The working pens are located approximately 100 yards from the county road.
The ranch is watered by two wells equipped with submersible electric mot...
The ranch is watered by two wells equipped with submersible electric motors and pumps together with three live springs and several dirt tanks located across the ranch. There are two creeks which cross through the ranch that have running water at different times of the year.
Grama Grass and Buffalo Grass are the predominant grasses on the ranch together with cedar trees, pine trees and several beautiful meadows.
This ranch is a hunters paradise with wildlife consisting of White Tail and Mule Deer, Elk, Turkey and many other varmints.
Located at approximately 5,200 feet above sea level this cattle/hunting ranch is rugged, very scenic and will make an excellent week-end getaway.