- 1-25 of 27 Listings
Rocksprings, TX, 78880, Edwards County
4000 FM 586, Bangs, TX, 76823, Brown County
Linden, TX, 75563, Cass County
6580 County Road 411, Brownwood, TX, 76801, Brown County
2357 County Road 113, Hamlin, TX, 79520, Jones County
426 County Road 225, Wingate, TX, 79566, Taylor County
6950 County Road 1450, Knox City, TX, 79529, Knox County
6795 H=wy, 67, Bangs, TX, 76823, Brown County
6309 Highway 206, Cisco, TX, 76437, Eastland County
1510 CR 620, Hamilton, TX, 76531, Hamilton County
119 E County Road 318, Goldthwaite, TX, 76844, Mills County
1448 County Road 438, Coleman, TX, 76834, Coleman County
County Road 4120, Meridian, TX, 76665, Bosque County
1331 County Road 278, Gustine, TX, 76455, Comanche County
257 LCR 508, Mexia, TX, 76667, Limestone County
14657 CR 433, Merkel, TX, 79536, Jones County
5942 South FM 126, Merkel, TX, 79536, Taylor County
400 Sevier, Milford, TX, 76670, Ellis County
16321 CO RD U, Childress, TX, 79201, Childress County
4200 CR 44800, Blossom, TX, 75416, Lamar County
7208 East Ray Road, Miles, TX, 76861, Tom Green County
3327 FM 796, Beeville, TX, 78102, Bee County
696 CR 4150, Clifton, TX, 76634, Bosque County
372 Farm to Market Road 1661, Sagerton, TX, 79548, Haskell County
101 County Road 136, Roscoe, TX, 79545, Nolan County