LOCATION: The property is located at 3730 North Township Road in Yuba City, California (The house is not included in the sale).
APN: 013-20-100 (30.19 Total Acres)
DESCRIPTION: The 30.19 acres features a mature olive orchard of the Arbequina variety with 1.5% of the orchard being Koroneiki pollenizers. The planting is on a 12-foot by 5-foot spacing with the support of a double-line trellis system.
WATER: The property has a submersible ag well that irrigates the single-line drip system in one set. The static water level is around 30 feet.
SOIL: This ranch consists of primarily class one soils. (See the attached soil map for more information)
SPECIAL CONDITIONS: This property has a building restriction, however, it can be removed.
ECONOMICS: A well-managed olive orchard can produce on average 5 tons/acre and each ton can produce 40 gallons of olive oil. Right now the market is aroun...
ECONOMICS: A well-managed olive orchard can produce on average 5 tons/acre and each ton can produce 40 gallons of olive oil. Right now the market is around $17/gallon. That amounts to a gross profit of $3,400/acre. The cultural cost average is around $1,500/acre, leaving a net profit of nearly $2,000/acre. Name a crop that is producing better income and I'd be happy to plant it right now!
COMMENTS: This is an income-producing, low-labor, and easy-to-manage crop. In addition to the cash flow, this is an investment that is a hedge against inflation and offers significant depreciation. The growing demand for olive oil and a lack of new plantings guarantees this ranch a bright future!