Clements Farms Sumter County. Great combination of income property and recreational property. Giant bucks, turkeys, hogs, and ducks with an incredible 11-acre lake.
391.74 Acres Rent
Irrigated acres 159 acres $275/ac $43,725
Dry acres 40 acres $100/ac $4,000
Wooded 168 acres Hunting lease $6,000 (optional)
Lakes 11 acres
Food Plots 2 acres
Roads, ditches, Other 11.74 acres
Total Income
Pivot info all electric
2015 8 tower Reinke
2007 4 tower Valley
2007 4 tower Valley
Water for irrigation
John Deere Diesel 1200 HP/min pump to be converted to 100 HP electric Motor will pump 950 GPM
Pumping out of 11 ac Lake that is supplemented of 6 inch well 450 ft deep 250 GPM
2 Butler 3850-bushel Grain Bin
1 Butler 3000-bushel Grain Bin