77.34 acres located on the southeastern edge of Coalville City, Utah
Utilities located within 900 feet of property in S Beacon Hill Drive
Property is accessed from private easement from S Beacon Hill Drive
Zoned R-5 (Res Ag - 5-acre minimum lot size) & AG (One SF dwelling per lot of record) in Coalville City & AG-20 (Agriculture - 20-acre minimum lot size) in Summit County
Cell tower on the property plus inholding owned by Coalville City
Beautiful views of mountains, Coalville, & Echo Reservoir
Elevation ranges from 5,800 to 6,000 feet
2021 Taxes: $577.77 (Summit County parcels: CT-352 & NS-424-A)
17 miles NE of Park City and 25 miles NE of Salt Lake City, Utah