This northwestern Illinois farm sits on the county line between Jo Davies and Stephenson Counties just northeast of Nora, Illinois or southwest of Winslow. The farm features 284.38 acres cropped to corn and soybeans with 22.91 acres of this enrolled in CRP filter strip programs through 2020. The corn base is 161.8 acres with a PLC Yield of 160 and a soybean base of 67.37 acres with a PLC yield of 50. There is also a 32.3 acre wheat base with a PLC Yield of 50. The farm is enrolled in the ARC-County FSA Program. 2015 real estate taxes paid in 2016 were $13,260.02. The farm is in Lena-Winslow School District. There is a farmstead with a 1,456 square ft. dwelling, grain bin, 3 silos, a pole machinery shed and a utility shed. A soil conservation plan is being implemented on this farm. It has a weighted soil productivity index of 135.6 on the cropland and CRP filter strip acres. The...
This northwestern Illinois farm sits on the county line between Jo Davies and Stephenson Counties just northeast of Nora, Illinois or southwest of Winslow. The farm features 284.38 acres cropped to corn and soybeans with 22.91 acres of this enrolled in CRP filter strip programs through 2020. The corn base is 161.8 acres with a PLC Yield of 160 and a soybean base of 67.37 acres with a PLC yield of 50. There is also a 32.3 acre wheat base with a PLC Yield of 50. The farm is enrolled in the ARC-County FSA Program. 2015 real estate taxes paid in 2016 were $13,260.02. The farm is in Lena-Winslow School District. There is a farmstead with a 1,456 square ft. dwelling, grain bin, 3 silos, a pole machinery shed and a utility shed. A soil conservation plan is being implemented on this farm. It has a weighted soil productivity index of 135.6 on the cropland and CRP filter strip acres. The estimated Corn PI is 183.4 and soybean PI 57.8.There is approximately 12 acres of timber along the creek on the east side, and the additional area of tree lined creek through the middle of the farm.Contact us for a complete brochure and details on this exciting northwestern Illinois propert