Location: 5 miles north of Mitchell, Nebraska on Hwy 29 and then 1 1/2 miles west on County Road. S-B.
Legal Description: Pt. SW1/4 (Lying South & West of Pathfinder Irrigation Ditch) in Section 29-T24N-R56W of the 6th P.M., Sioux County, Nebraska.
Acres: 97 Tax Assessed Acres
Taxes: 2010 taxes due in 2011 - $1,312.82
Water: This property is in the North Platte NRD and has 82 acres of water rights from the Pathfinder Irrigation Ditch. There are 2 turnouts from the Pathfinder Ditch. Current water cost is $26/acre.
FSA Info: Property does not include any crop base.
Soils: 40% Class II Irrigated Alliance loam & Alice Fine sandy loam; 35.6% Class III Irrigated Alice Fine sandy loam 3-6% slope; 21.6% Class IV Irrigated Bankard Loamy fine sand.
Price: $245,000
Comments: Good flood irrigated farm with pivot potential and excellent access from County Road
S-B and County R...
S-B and County Road S-12. Old building site with calving shed and old house of no value.
Contact: Mike Polk (308)539-4446 or Roger Luehrs (308)631-2506; Listing Agents