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6425 County Road 14

Located 5 miles west of Goodland KS and 1 mile north of I-70, 6425 Road 15 is a crushing facility that processes sunflower, canola, and other soft seed oils.  This facility can be used in its current form as a crushing and processing plant, and due to the on-site railway spur and close proximity to the Interstate, it could also be converted to other purposes/uses with extremely high value to the user/buyer.   The office building consists of 3 stories which holds the laboratory, locker rooms, showers, restrooms, breakroom, and offices.  The maximum daily crush capacity is 900 MT (metric ton).  Typically, it receives over 5000 trucks and 400 railcars per year with the ability to store 78,000 MT of seed for processing.  The plant is switched by Kyle railroad and the railyard has a capacity of holding 50 cars at any given time.  The rail has 8 switches and approximately 6,500 feet of track. ...

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