Tracts 1 & 2 are Under Contract. Tracts 3 & 4 are Still Available.
This very productive 545.45 +/- acre dryland farm offers a great opportunity to add premium acres to your farm or land portfolio. Boasting 327.65+/- acres of prime Class II & III soils on over 90% of all tillable acres and a near flush topography, you don't find many farms of this caliber on the open market. These tracts are open to the new buyer for the 2022 crop year. Several grass draws running through these tracts are scattered with thickets, brush, & heavy CRP grasses providing perfect wildlife habitat for the abundant mule deer and upland game on these properties.
If a tract is not under contract from a new buyer by April planting dates, the tenant will farm the tract for the 2022 crop year. The buyer(s) will be subject to a 1/3, 2/3 crop share lease agreement with the tenant. Sellers mineral rights are to be conv...
If a tract is not under contract from a new buyer by April planting dates, the tenant will farm the tract for the 2022 crop year. The buyer(s) will be subject to a 1/3, 2/3 crop share lease agreement with the tenant. Sellers mineral rights are to be conveyed with the sale of this farm.
Legal Descriptions
Tract 1 - S26, T06, R26W, ACRES 156.0, NW4 LESS RD R/W
Tract 2 - S27, T06, R26W, 6th Principal Meridian, ACRES 76, N2 NE4 LESS RD R/W
Tract 3 - S24, T06, R26W, 6th Principal Meridian, ACRES 156, NW4 LESS RD R/W
Tract 4 - S23, T06, R26W, 6th Principal Meridian, ACRES 154, NE4 LESS RD R/W
Tract 1 Property Details - UNDER CONTRACT
Tract 1 offers 117.75 +/- acres of premium cropland comprised of a majority Class II Keith silt loam soils. The remaining 37 +/- acres consist of long grass draws stretching through the tract, scattered with thin tree lines, thickets, and heavy brush, providing great wildlife habitat for the mule deer and upland birds that frequent this farm tract.
Total Acres - 154.75 +/-
Dryland Acres - 117.75 +/- Grassland Acres - 37.00 +/-
Property Taxes - $971.48
Price - $340,625.00
Tract 2 Property Details - UNDER CONTRACT
Tract 2 showcases the incredible tillable acres on this farm. Consisting of 71.22 +/- acres of fertile Class II & III soils, and a near-level layout spread across most of this parcel, this tract offers an incredible investment opportunity for all farmers and investors. The remaining 6.37+/- acres are an old farmstead and tree line offering great mule deer habitat for the local deer herds that frequent this property.
Total Acres - 77.59 +/-
Dryland Acres - 71.22 +/- Grassland Acres - 6.37 +/-
Property Taxes - $600.34
Price - $186,012.50
Tract 3 Property Details
Tract 3 is a great combination farm offering top-quality cropland with impeccable upland game hunting. There are 107.64 +/- prime tillable acres, 49.18+/- acres of grass pasture with a farmstead, and a thick CRP grass strip with world-class upland game hunting. This tract has all you need for an investment property with recreational potential!
Total Acres - 156.82 +/-
Dryland Acres - 107.64 +/- Grassland Acres - 49.18 +/-
Property Taxes - $959.60
Price - $330,575.00
Tract 4 Property Details
Tract 4 offers 125.25 +/- acres of large rolling grass hills covered in lush late-season grasses, with 31.04 +/- acres of fenced-off tillable acres in the southeast corner of the property. Surrounding the outside perimeter is a four-wire barbed wire fence in fair condition. At the southeast corner of the grass pasture is a stock tank fed by a submersible well to the east, located on Tract 3. There is currently an active oil well on the property and all seller-owned mineral rights will transfer with the sale of this tract. *Grass is subject to lease at $25/acre for the 2022 grazing season.
Total Acres - 156.29 +/-
Dryland Acres - 31.04 +/- Grassland Acres - 125.25 +/-
Property Taxes - $375.72
Price - $234,162.50
KS Sheridan05
From New Almelo, KS, drive approximately 7.5 miles west on Highway 9 turning south on 2600th Road. Continue on 2600th Road for 6.5 miles, turning east on County Road 110 N. Drive 3 miles east to the intersection of County Road 110 N & Road 130. Tract 1 will be located on the southeast corner of the intersection and Tract 2 will be located on the southwest corner of the intersection. From the intersection of 110 N & Road 130, continue west on Road 120 for 1 mile. Turn north on N Road 140E and drive for .5 miles. The southwest corner of Tract 3 begins on the east side of the road and the southeast corner of Tract 4 will be on the west side of the road. Signs will be posted.