This exceptional 6.77-acre estate lot is conveniently located between Pigeon Forge and Townsend in the quiet farming community of Wears Valley. Only a few minutes' drive from the Wears Valley entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Foothills Parkway this is a fantastic opportunity for those with an appreciation for natural beauty and would like to call the Smoky Mountains their home. The lot is easily accessible and close to local amenities making it a great option for a full-time residence or a second home for those visiting the area often. Several additional lots are available. Call Matthew Carr at 855-384-LAND for more information.
From Dollar General in Wears Valley turnleftontoUS-321 S/Wears Valley Road and drive0.3 miles.TurnleftontoRobeson Road and drive0.7 miles. Turn leftontoCovemont Road and drive0.2 miles.Continue straight onto Valley Home Road and drive0.2 miles.Turn leftontoSpring View Drive and drive0.4 miles. The lot will be on the left hand side of the road.