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Rarely does timber value, a large perennial stream, all-weather public road access, beautiful scenery, excellent recreational values, and relative remoteness occur within a half-hour drive of Nacogdoches, Carthage, and Henderson. The beauty of this dandy, easily-accessed, well-forested property cannot be overstated. Located a few miles north of Garrison in southern Rusk County, near the Arlam community, this is truly an outstanding parcel of land for a getaway spot to relax and enjoy the forests of East Texas. The secluded bottomlands and upland areas are very suitable for still hunting and archery, with plenty of sign of whitetail deer, feral hogs and squirrels.

Golondrina Creek is a major perennial stream with beautiful scenery along its banks, and is the eastern boundary of the property. The deed calls for the boundary line to be on the eastern/southern bank of Golondrino the ri...

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