Location: 6 miles south and 2 1/2 west of Bassett, Nebraska or 2 miles south and 5 miles east of Long Pine, Nebraska. (Located on the corner of 444 Ave and 874 Road.)
Description: NW1/4 Section 18-T29N-R19W of the 6th P.M., Rock County, Nebraska.
Description: Rock County Assessor indicates a total of 160.00 acres. Farm consists of pivot irrigated cropland with native grass corners and grain storage bins.
Improvements: Three storage bins equipped with drying floors, fans, and unloading augers. Estimated capacity of 37,000bu. Stock well equipped with electric submersible.
Information: Well Registration: G-036004 Completion Date: 1/25/1972 at 1,000gpm Well Depth: 257
Static Water: 34 Pumping Level: 70 Column: 9 Pump - Western Land Roller
Power Unit - 75hp, GE motor Pivot - 7-tower Valley
Farm is located in the Upper Elkhorn Natural Resour...
Farm is located in the Upper Elkhorn Natural Resource District and includes 130.75 certified irrigated acres.
Soils: Irrigated soils consist primarily of Class III and IV Boelus, Pivot, and Valentine loamy fine sands with slopes of 0-9%.
Taxes: 2019 Real Estate Taxes - $4,212.18
List Price: $770,000
Lease: Farm sells subject to a custom farming agreement for the 2020 growing season.
Comments: Well maintained, productive farm located in a diverse farming community.