TAXES:$942/annually( Ringgold County Treasurer)
CSR DATA: Old CSR (CSR 1)43.7
New CSR (CSR2)-48.1 (Surety Maps
LAND USE:FSA shows 78.59 acres of total farmland of which there are 41.48 effective crop acres. (Ringgold County FSA)
Cmdty-Corn,Base Acres-7.4,Dyld-80
Cmdty-Oats,Base Acres-1.7,Dyld-42
Cmdty-Wheat,Base Acres-1.6,Dyle-33
TERMS:Cash, payable at closing
LOCATION:Approximately 2 miles North of Diagonal farm lies on the East side of 170th ave.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION:The North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 70 North, Range 30 West of the 5th P.M. and more particularly described by the abstract.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Located North of Diagonal in a very good hunting area. This farm includes income on tillable acres and a great recreational hunting tract. F...
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Located North of Diagonal in a very good hunting area. This farm includes income on tillable acres and a great recreational hunting tract. Farm is currently in crops and hay with some improvements done. The new owner could take advantage of new CRP bids to lock in a 10 year contract and to attract more wildlife. Don't miss out on this farm with hunting season under way. It deserves your attention. For more information call Brennan Kester 515-450-6030.
LOCATION:Approximately 2 miles North of Diagonal farm lies on the East side of 170th ave.