LAND AUCTION! Thursday, November 29, 2018, 6:00 PM, at the Heartland Banquet Center, North Morley Street, Moberly, Missouri.
The property is primarily all tillable cropland with very good road frontage and access, as State Highway K is along the entire south boundary and State Highway CC is along the entire east boundary. The north boundary is a wooded fence row. There is a small wooded draw bisecting the southeast corner of the property, running northeast from the south boundary to the east boundary. The open acreage is generally flat tillable cropland on the north and west sides with a gentle slope toward the small draw in the southeast corner. There is a small field on the southeast side of the draw, being in the far southeast corner of the property, that has a flat ridge along the south boundary that gently rolls toward the draw to the north and northeast. The west boundary is even w...
The property is primarily all tillable cropland with very good road frontage and access, as State Highway K is along the entire south boundary and State Highway CC is along the entire east boundary. The north boundary is a wooded fence row. There is a small wooded draw bisecting the southeast corner of the property, running northeast from the south boundary to the east boundary. The open acreage is generally flat tillable cropland on the north and west sides with a gentle slope toward the small draw in the southeast corner. There is a small field on the southeast side of the draw, being in the far southeast corner of the property, that has a flat ridge along the south boundary that gently rolls toward the draw to the north and northeast. The west boundary is even with Road 111, across Route K.
From Cairo, Missouri, at Junction of Highway 63/Route K, go east three miles to junction with Route CC. The property lies in the northwest quadrant of the intersection.
For additional information, please contact Boyd Harris, ALC, Agent/Auctioneer, at (573) 881-2724.