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Affordable Hunting Property Located In A Great Area

Located in an area known for great wildlife populations, this affordable hunting tract offers a supreme sense of seclusion and will provide year-round enjoymentperfect for the outdoor generalist. This property is located at the northern end of Whipple Ditch Slough, a 500+/- ac stretch of hardwood bottoms surrounded by large ag fields. This slough offers incredible diversity and cover for the area's wildlife, especially waterfowl, wild turkey, and of course, whitetail deer. This property sits well off the county road, which adds to the property's secluded setting. A recent timber harvest has released the forest's seed bank, and the woods are loaded with high-quality browse and forbs. The substantial ground cover provides great habitat and structure for fawning and brood rearing and will no doubt serve as a sanctuary for the deer as pressure increases on adjoining lands throughout the seas...

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