LOCATION: 2 miles east and 1 mile north of Holdrege, NE. Located on the corner of 734 Road and Q Road.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NW1/4 Section 25-T6N-R18W of the 6th P.M., Phelps County, Nebraska.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Phelps County Assessor indicates total of 158.93 acres. Farm consists of excellent quality pivot irrigated cropland with three gravity corners and one dry cropland corner.
FSA INFORAMTION: Total Cropland: 152.87 acres
Base acres: Corn 114.9 acres with PLC yield of 195 bu/acre
Soybeans 25.2 acres with PLC yield of 64 bu/acre
IRRIGATION INFORMATION: Well Registration G-037321 Completion Date 4/18/1972 at 1,300 gpm
Well Depth 216 Static Water Level 103
Pumping Level 127 Column 10
Reinke 7 tower pivot, Layne & Bowler pump w/ 60 HP US Motors electric motor
60.0 acres of surface water rights from Central Nebraska Public Power & Irrigation District
Western Land Roller canal pump w/ 10 H...
Western Land Roller canal pump w/ 10 HP US Motors electric motor
NRD INFORMATION: Farm is located in the Tri-Basin NRD and contains 153.77 certified irrigated acres.
SOILS: Soils consist of entirely of Holdrege Silt Loam.
TAXES: 2015 Real Estate Tax - $13,575.36
LIST PRICE: $1,400,000.00 TERMS: CASH
COMMENTS: This is a highly productive farm located in a strong farming community.