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Size: 322.44 Acres

322.44 Acres in Holdrege, NE - $925,000

Location: 3 miles east and 1/2 mile south of Holdrege on gravel road (73126 R Road)


Description: Lots 11 through 18, Section 6-T5N-R17W of the 6th P.M., Phelps County, Nebraska


Description: Phelps County Assessor indicates a total of 322.44 acres. Farm consists of pivot and gravity irrigated cropland with dry crop and building improvements.


Improvements: Farm contains a rural improvement site located in the west, that contains the following building

improvements and miscellaneous cattle pens:

House - 1,240 sq.ft. ranch style with partially finished full basement. Equipped with central air and heat is provided by a natural gas furnace.

720 sq.ft. garage;

2,560 sq.ft. storage building;

three grain storage bins having a total capacity of 23,000 bushels of corn.


Information: Phelps County Farm #3988 Total Cropland - 28...

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