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Productive Crop Ground With Hunting Opportunities In Pettis County

Northern Pettis County is where you'll find this multigenerational income-producing farm. Having been in the same family for many decades, this is the first time in over a hundred years this farm has been offered for sale. I'm very proud to present such a special farm. Being located in a community of great farmers is just one of the many appealing things about this farm. The current tenant has farmed the ground for over 15 years and would prefer to stick around should an investor or non-local buyer purchase the property. The vast majority of the soils across the farm are Arisburg Silt Loam. The total crop acres currently in production is approximately 37. There is opportunity for cleanup in a couple different areas giving one the opportunity to add additional crop acres. Electric is at the road should you be looking for a wonderful homesite, this property does offer some great locations ...

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From Hughesville take Highway H South to Elliot and turn East and go 1 Mile to Callis Rd and turn South, property begins 1/10 mile down Callis Rd and goes East.


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Whitetail Properties Real Estate

Bucyrus, KS

(620) 215-0007

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Whitetail Properties Real Estate, (620) 215-0007
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