Sealed Bid Land and or Timber Sale
+/- 251 Acres Cropland & Timberland
Sale Date: Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 11:00 am
The Manning P. Cooke, Jr. Martin Tract is located in Roanoke Township, 6.5 miles northwest of Rich Square and 8.9 miles southeast of Jackson on Bolton Road (SR# 1118), Northampton County, NC. It contains approximately 56 acres of cropland, farm paths, waterways, etc., and 195 of mature timber in one tax parcel. See the attached Timber Sale Map & photographs for more details. Potential Buyers will have the opportunity to bid on STANDING TIMBER only, BARE LAND only, or a single COMBINATION bid for both LAND & TIMBER.
Salient Facts
* Northampton County Register of Deed reference Deed Book 1001/Page 524
* Northampton County Tax PIN number 4993-07-7808
* +/- 1,900 feet of Bolton Road (SR# 1118) frontage
* +/- 54.87 acres cropland FSA Farm # 5088 Tract 1310, (Predominant...
* +/- 54.87 acres cropland FSA Farm # 5088 Tract 1310, (Predominantly Craven soils) Available for the 2020 crop year. The current farmer has until December 31, 2019 to complete his crop harvest.
* +/- 195 acres timberland (Bethera & Craven soils)
* Excellent Deer, Turkey & Small Game Habitat (Hunting available at closing)
* Offered and Sold - As is, Where is, with All Faults