The Wood Yard 100 is the perfect place for just about anything! It doesn't matter if you're looking for a quiet place to hang out on the weekends, develop a couple food plots and put some deer meat in the freezer, start a timberland investment portfolio or build a retirement home and watch the timber appreciate as it grows. Whatever you're interested in you could do it on this great tract. With easy access from a county road, just a short distance from Arkansas Highway 24 and less than 15 minutes from Interstate 30 you can be here at a moments notice. The gently rolling topography will lend itself to a new pond construction which would only add diversity and value to the property. Electricity is available on the county road less than 700 feet from the property and ground water is easily accessible in most places. Game is plentiful, seasons are long, bag limits are generous and the winter...
The Wood Yard 100 is the perfect place for just about anything! It doesn't matter if you're looking for a quiet place to hang out on the weekends, develop a couple food plots and put some deer meat in the freezer, start a timberland investment portfolio or build a retirement home and watch the timber appreciate as it grows. Whatever you're interested in you could do it on this great tract. With easy access from a county road, just a short distance from Arkansas Highway 24 and less than 15 minutes from Interstate 30 you can be here at a moments notice. The gently rolling topography will lend itself to a new pond construction which would only add diversity and value to the property. Electricity is available on the county road less than 700 feet from the property and ground water is easily accessible in most places. Game is plentiful, seasons are long, bag limits are generous and the winters mild so come experience south Arkansas and the quiet lifestyle we enjoy. Give me a call if you have questions or if you'd like a tour.
Neither the seller, Mossy Oak Properties Land & Home(MOPLH), their subsidiaries, affiliates nor representatives warrant theaccuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information contained hereinregarding the property, its condition, boundaries, access, acreage, or timberstand information. Maps, timber evaluations and all information containedherein is provided "AS IS," as a courtesy to potential buyers. Potential buyersshould make their own determination regarding the accuracy of the informationprovided. Potential buyer's agent(s) must be identified on first contact withMOPLH and must accompany the potential buyer on showings to receive full feeparticipation. Otherwise, the fee participation will be at the sole discretionof MOPLH. All property is subject to change, withdrawal, or prior sale. MOPLHexpressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions and does not assumeliability for typographical errors, misprints, nor for misinformation that mayhave been given to us.