9038+/- ACRES
LOCATION: Approximately 28 miles northwest of Alexandria, LA., 85 miles southeast of Shreveport, LA., and 80 miles southwest of Monroe, LA., near the community of Chopin, Louisiana.
SIZE: 9,038+/- deeded acres.
4,845.3 Acres of FSA Cropland.
2,538.26 WRP acres.
816.2 CRP acres at $48/acre, expires 2013.
98.6 acres of timber.
IMPROVEMENTS: 3368.9 acres precision leveled.
165.0 acres reservoir for irrigation and recreation.
2 metal shop buildings.
1 Re-lift pump in the Red River
2 Re-lift pumps in the Cain River.
2 Re-lift pumps inside the farm.
Cotton 1841.7 1344 lbs.
Rice 1858.6 4721 lbs.
Wheat 829.3 32 bu.
Sorghum 305.9 33 bu.
COMMENT: This is a highly diversified farm located in southern Natchitoches Parish. This property has a history of cotton, rice, soybeans, corn, grain so...
COMMENT: This is a highly diversified farm located in southern Natchitoches Parish. This property has a history of cotton, rice, soybeans, corn, grain sorghum, and wheat production. The property also has very good recreation in the form of duck and deer hunting that is enhanced by the WRP and CRP acreage. There is abundant water supplied by the Red River and Cane River and the 165 acre reservoir located on the property. The property is bordered on the north and east by the Red River and on the south by the Cane River, and fronts on Louisiana Highway 1 on the west, and is just 2 miles from Interstate 49.
TAXES: $26,042.
PRICE: $14,500,000.00.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable and correct but is not guaranteed by Underwood Land Company, Inc. or its agents and we disclaim any liability for errors and/or omissions.