Properties are for Auction on Nov 22nd at 3 and 5 PM at multiple locations.
Multiple Locations:
Morgan & Muskingum Co. Properties (Properties 1, 2, and 3) at 3PM Selling from 4809 OH-83, Beverly, OH 45715
Directions: From Beverly, OH Head west on 5th St Towards Ferry St for .2 miles, Continue onto OH-60N/Zanesville St for 1.6 miles, Right onto OH-83 N for 8.7 miles.
Noble & Guernsey Co. Properties (Properties 4, 5, and 6) at 5PM Selling from Batesville Village Park Pavilion: 56501-56527 Seneca Lake Rd. Quaker City, OH 43773
Directions: Take I-70 to OH-513 (exit-193) towards Quaker City, Follow OH-513 S for 11.5 miles to Batesville, Left on OH-147/Seneca Lake Rd, Pavilion will be on the left.
Description Property #1 4809 US 83 Beverly OH 45715 GPS: 39.670529, -81.691304
Directions: From Cumberland OH follow SR 83 South 16 miles to the property.
116 +/- Acres of very accessible Morga...
116 +/- Acres of very accessible Morgan Co. land that is great for recreational pursuits and also has marketable timber including white oak. The property is located on SR 83 and is near hundreds of acres of AEP recreational land. The property is easily traversed and has a pond on the western part of the land. Feel free to walk the property at your convenience and risk prior to auction day. This property sells on-site at 3:00 PM.
Tax & Legal: Parcel # 09000231, 09000232 & 09000233. In Manchester Township of Morgan County. 2015 taxes were $886.31 per half year, any recoupment will be the responsibility of the buyer.
Description Property #2 9047 Noyes Road Beverly, OH 45715 GPS: 39.595206, -81.644170 (Will be selling at location #1)
Directions: Follow Ohio 83 S. 7 miles from property #1 to Noyes Rd. then east to property.
83 +/- acres of secluded recreational land accessed via Noyse Rd off of SR 83 just north of SR 60 near Beverly OH. The property is comprised primarily of woods and old growth along with a large creek running through it. If seclusion and privacy is your goal this one will get your attention. Noyse Rd ends at the property and is not maintained for some time prior to reaching the property. Property may be inspected prior to auction day. This property sells at Location number 1
Tax & Legal: Parcel #0300073400 and 0300073500. In Center Township of Morgan County. 2015 taxes were $428.88 per half year, any recoupment will be the responsibility of the buyer.
Description Property #3 Brush Creek Township, OH GPS: 39.767170, -81.971603 (Will be selling at location #1)
Directions: Call for directions
32+/- acres of woods with exceptional timber on the Muskingum/Morgan Co. line. This secluded property is accessed via an abandoned township Rd. Surrounded by both woods and crop land this would make an excellent hunting property. This property will sell at Auction #1 location on SR 83 just north of Crossroads Church. Inspect the property at your convenience and risk.
Following Properties Sell at 5 PM.
Description Property #4 30815-31043 Melrose Road Quaker City, OH 43773 GPS: 39.900726, -81.244999 (Will be sold from Batesville Village Park Pavilion)
Directions: From Quaker City OH follow SR 513 South 7 miles to Batesville then East on SR 147 1 mile to Calais Rd. then S. to Melrose and property.
25 Acres of wooded land that offers both timber and good hunting in the Seneca Lake Region. The property will be sold in 1 parcel and offers wooded building sites as well seclusion in the country. Feel free to walk the property at your convenience prior to auction day. This property will be sold at the United Methodist church in downtown Batesville OH. Located on SR 513 at 5:00 PM.
Description Property #5 Mount Zion Road Quaker City, OH 43773 GPS: 39.940719, -81.313862 (Will be sold from Batesville Village Park Pavilion)
Directions: From Quaker City follow SR 265 West 1 mile to Yoker Valley Rd then South 2 miles to Mt Zion Rd (170) continue south to property.
9 +/- Acres all wooded with marketable timber and good access on Mt Zion Rd just south of Yoker Valley Rd. watch for signs and feel free to walk the property at your convenience prior to auction day. This property will be sold at the United Methodist church in downtown Batesville OH. Located on SR 513 at 5 PM.
Tax & Legal: Parcel # 010021183000, 010021406000 & 010021375000. In Beaver Township of Noble County. 2015 taxes were $264.89 per half year, any recoupment will be the responsibility of the buyer.
Description Property #6 24500-24554 Hollander Road Quaker City, OH 43773 GPS: 39.952779, -81.282612 (Will be sold from Batesville Village Park Pavilion)
Directions: From Quaker City follow SR 513 South 2 miles to Hollander Rd and Property
8.37 Acres of wooded land at the corner of SR 513 and Hollander Rd. between Quaker City and Batesville. Inspect the property at your convenience prior to auction.
Tax & Legal: Parcel # 230000318001. In Millwood Township of Guernsey County. 2015 taxes were $92.48 per half year, any recoupment will be the responsibility of the buyer.
Multiple Locations:
Morgan & Muskingum Co. Properties (Properties 1, 2, and 3) @ 3PM Selling from 4809 OH-83, Beverly, OH 45715
Directions: From Beverly, OH Head west on 5th St Towards Ferry St for .2 miles, Continue onto OH-60N/Zanesville St for 1.6 miles, Right onto OH-83 N for 8.7 miles.
Noble & Guernsey Co. Properties (Properties 4, 5, and 6) @ 5PM Selling from Batesville Village Park Pavilion: 56501-56527 Seneca Lake Rd. Quaker City, OH 43773
Directions: Take I-70 to OH-513 (exit-193) towards Quaker City, Follow OH-513 S for 11.5 miles to Batesville, Left on OH-147/Seneca Lake Rd, Pavilion will be on the left.