It isn't often that a well-managed timber property of this caliber and with this much potential is offered for sale. There is excellent access throughout the property. The planted pine stand containing 210 acres was established in 1995, using Weyerhaeuser seedlings and following a site prep burn in 1994. The first thinning was made in 2012, which has opened the stand up and improved the growth rate. This stand will be ready for a second thinning in 2 - 4 years. The acreage in Lee County was direct seeded with Loblolly Pine seeds in 1994. Open pines and creeks through property provide great habitat for deer and turkey. Multiple food plots located on tract. Property is currently leased for hunting. Boundary lines were painted with purple paint in 2014.
Property Information:
Address: Underwood Road
City: Carthage, NC 28327
Parcel ID: Moore - 0006704, Lee - 960019959500
Deed: Moore - 441/48...
Deed: Moore - 441/480, Lee - 297/241
Tax Value: $391,800 (both counties)
2016 Tax Bill: $493.68 (both counties) in PUV program for reduced taxes
General Information:
Best Use: Timber Management/Hunting/Recreation
Current Use: Timber Management
Topography: Rolling
Access: Approximately 4,000 feet of road frontage on Underwood Road