A winding lane past pastoral scenes brings the traveler to a home with a modern spirit and a classic design. Majorly renovated in a thoughtful fashion that meshes the lines between outside & in.
Stunning views of a private Eden while relaxing in a home of creature comforts will buoy the weary travelers spirit. 2015-16 Renovation Projects include: Roof, Exterior, Master bedroom, Master bathroom, Kitchen, Additional Bathrooms, Family Room, Utility Room, HVAC, Gate, Lighting & Fencing. See List.
Additional acreage available. Home must sell before any subdividing. Parcels will be priced as follows:$3,000,000 - home on 58 acres;$1,437,000 for front 25 acres (north piece);$660,000 for 11 acres on SE side, or$1,200,000- house on 14 acres.
Call 281-858-3451 today for more information or email properties at wendyclineproperties dot com. Visit our web site at WendyClineProperties dot com.
Wendy Cline Properties "Living the Lifestyle & Loving the Life"
Map Link: https://goo.gl/maps/Kfxr5eYGu6n 290W exit Cypress Rosehill- changes to Decker Prairie-Rosehill. Left on Coe Loop OR 249N exit Decker Prairie. go left. Left on Decker Prairie-Rosehill. Follow to Coe oop. Right on Coe Loop.