Here's your chance to be involved in Agriculture with a fully operating Tukey Operation capable of producing 80,000 birds a year with great income. 2 Grower houses that are 40 feet by 600 feet,2 brooder houses 50x200 ft,a 50x50 ft litter barn with a 10 ft lean to,a 40x250 brooder barn with attached 12x12 well house and medication room,walls and ceilings are spray foamed. Both brooder houses and grower house have Rothem Computers,Ziggity nipple lines,waste water recovery units,curtain machines,houses have new feed lines and both brooder house have spray foam insulation and insulated curtains. There is also a 40x60 shop and a 43K backup generator with automatic transfer switch. equipment includes 01 f550 dump truck,6 ft bush hog,40 ft auger,ford 871 tractor,yanmar 10hp diesel 4x4 tractor with 3ft tiller,1995 ford ranger farm truck,and a 2015 20 ft flat deck utility trailer. All on 24 acres...
Here's your chance to be involved in Agriculture with a fully operating Tukey Operation capable of producing 80,000 birds a year with great income. 2 Grower houses that are 40 feet by 600 feet,2 brooder houses 50x200 ft,a 50x50 ft litter barn with a 10 ft lean to,a 40x250 brooder barn with attached 12x12 well house and medication room,walls and ceilings are spray foamed. Both brooder houses and grower house have Rothem Computers,Ziggity nipple lines,waste water recovery units,curtain machines,houses have new feed lines and both brooder house have spray foam insulation and insulated curtains. There is also a 40x60 shop and a 43K backup generator with automatic transfer switch. equipment includes 01 f550 dump truck,6 ft bush hog,40 ft auger,ford 871 tractor,yanmar 10hp diesel 4x4 tractor with 3ft tiller,1995 ford ranger farm truck,and a 2015 20 ft flat deck utility trailer. All on 24 acres of hayable ground. This operation is ready for new owners to step into and start making money.
Living The Dream Outdoor Properties - Leasburg
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Leasburg, MO