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Size: 90.87 Acres
Home: 6 beds - 3 full baths

90.87 Acres in Milroy, PA - $875,000

90 acre orchard near Milroy. Great established business with potential to be expanded. 2 story brick house with in-law quarters. Bank barn, processing area, coolers and shop area. Also a 2 story poultry house. This property is a must see! Great views and location, profitable business. 45 acres apples and 15 acres peaches. Remainder in crops and some sweet corn. Owner has a store in nearby location that can be rented for selling orchard produce and baked goods. This property is also available as separate parcel: 56 acres w/house,shop, outbuildings-$599,900, 29 acres w/orchard-$250,000, 2.3 acres w/2 story poultry house-$49,900.


Apple Place Lane East to McNitt Orchard Lane-farm on Left. 1/2 mile past Apple Place.

Contact Seller
Beiler-Campbell Realtors

Quarryville, PA

(610) 600-1949