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80 Acres in Midland, MI - $474,900

This is your cabin in the woods, the deer camp you imagine in your mind's eye. This property boasts acres of massive white oak, red oak, maple trees, apple trees and other hardwoods that have been preserved from infestation for years with a spraying program that is all-encompassing. The parcel has never been timbered but has been managed successfully for over 30 years to ensure the forest development is maximized. This forest management has enabled this ground to become home to an excellent deer herd along with very limited hunting and harvest practices the owner has been able to take some great Michigan deer.All the deer in the pictures were taken on this property the left side of the fireplace were bow kills the right side gun kills. The turkey and partridge population here is remarkable as well with large numbers of bird seen regularly. The surrounding 280 acres has not been deer hunt...

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