40 acres in the middle of 600,000 or more acres of timberlands. An abundance of game. No deed restrictions or HOA. Roads are legally deeded but not county maintained. Mixture of hardwoods and planted pines. Only 6 miles into the woods but very secluded and private. Every hunters dream!! NO ELETRIC available, so bring your generator or solar panels.
Land is being sectioned from a larger parcel of land.
From SR 53 in Madison. Go south passed I-10 for 5 miles and turn onto Tower Rd. Go 2.1 miles and the road will dead end into Camp P Rd. There is a gate on Tower road that is never locked, pull through and close it behind you. Turn left onto Camp P rd and go 3 miles and turn onto Gum Rd. The property begins about 1 mile down Gum rd on the Lt. Lot has about 1500 feet on Gum Rd.