LOCATION:5 miles southwest of Stapleton, NE on Avenue 80 in southwestern Logan County.
ACRES: 321.77 total taxed acres, 264 NRD Irrigated Acres
TAXES: 2020 taxes paid in 2021 are $9,121.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SW1/4 Section 17 & NW1/4 Section 20T17NR28W of the 6th P.M., Logan County, NE
FSA BASE: Farm is enrolled in PLC with the following acreages and yield: corn: 260.40 acres 164 bushel and soybeans: 22.60 acres 27 bushel
IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT: Irrigation equipment includes 2 older Pierce Circle Master 10 tower pivots with updated gear boxes and tires with the last 6 years. Each pivot is equipped with Grow Smart pivot panels and Field Net remote control.
Each pivot includes a 100 hp General Electric motor, 8 Western Lands Roller pump and electrical panel. The electric motors were installed in 2012 when converted from diesel.
IRRIGATION WELLS: The north pivots Irrigation Well: G-070661 was drilled...
IRRIGATION WELLS: The north pivots Irrigation Well: G-070661 was drilled in July 1979 to 230; Static water at drilling was 90; pump set at 150; and rated at 800 gpm when converted to electric and includes 132 Upper Loup NRD certified irrigated acres.
The south pivots Irrigation Well: G-070920 was drilled in June 1988 to 340; Static water at drilling was 150; pump set at 160; rated at 800 gpm when converted to electric and includes 132 Upper Loup NRD certified irrigated acres.
SOILS: The soils under the pivots consist of 55% Class II & III Anselmo, , Hersh, Holdrege, Hord, Uly and Vetal silt loams and the balance is Class VI Uly and Valentine silt loams and loamy sand. The farm does have some rolling terrain in the eastern portion.
GRAIN STORAGE & STOCK WELL: Installed in 2008, the 45,000 bushel grain bin is located in the southwest pivot corner of the north pivot with very good access to County Road 80. The bin is an aeriation bin with a power sweep auger. There is an electric submersible stock well near the grain bin for winter grazing of the crop residue.
COMMENTS: A nice pivot irrigated farm located on Avenue 80, 5 miles southwest of Stapleton, NE in southwestern Logan County. Good soils and electric powered pumps are highlights of this farm. Grain markets in the area include a 40,000 head feedyard and Cooperative grain facility within 6 miles. The farm is available for full possession at closing with a reservation of the grain bin until June 1, 2022. For the investor Buyer there are several tenant opportunities in the area.
5 miles southwest of Stapleton, NE in southwest Logan County, NE on Avenue 80.