Description: A tract of land to be surveyed in Section 25-T17NR26W of the 6th P.M., Logan County, NE, consisting of approximately 157 acres.
Acres/Taxes: estimated 157 taxed acres. 2017 estimated Real Estate taxes are$4,080.00
Land Use: 145 farmed with 149 certified irrigated acres and 12 acres rangeland.
Water Rights: Well Registration G-140838 145 certified irrigated acres in the Upper Loup NRD.
Soils: Soils are half Holdrege & Hord silt loams with the balance comprised of a combination of Coly & Uly silt loams and a small amount of Hersh-Valentine complex.
& Equipment: 2007 Reinke 9 tower center pivot & 1985 Lockwood 6 tower center pivot; 2007 John Deere Model 6081 Diesel Power unit with recent overhaul; generator &
Amarillo gearhead S100A .
From Arnold, NE, 3 miles west and 1 mile south on CR 408.