One of the Most Attractive Recreational Properties in Linn County!
75 acres, m/l, with 25 crop acres and CSR2 of 50.1 (CSR 54.4). Property includes 50 acres of mature timber. Farm is subject to a Conservation Easement and a Dead Wood Easement. (See detail in brochure).
There is an abundance of deer and turkey that live on or around this property, including two albino turkeys. Current owner has taken many large bucks and turkeys from this farm (see Additional Photos attachment). Property has been managed for deer; no doe have been shot on this property over the last five years.
Building Description(s)
Property has a 30' x 40' shop with a concrete floor and electricity. Ideal building to store farm equipment, tree stands and/or hunting equipment.
From Prairieburg: 1-1/2 miles south on Prairieburg Road.