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Size: 1,760 Acres

Ingham Rangeland

Location: From Moorefield, Nebraska, the property is located 4 miles north on the Moorefield-Brady Road, and 1 1/4 east on Deer Creek Road.

Legal Description: Pt. W1/2 Section 18, All lying west of county road and north of railroad right-of-way Section 19 -T9N-R26W; E1/2, SW1/4 Section 13, N1/2, SW1/4 and all of SE1/4 lying north and west of the railroad right-of-way Section 24, All that part of NW1/4 lying west and north of the railroad right-of-way Section 25-T9N-R27W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Nebraska.

Acres: 1,760.29 tax assessed acres

Taxes: 2013 taxes payable in 2014 - $7,260.56

Land Use: Property is entirely canyon rangeland.

Water: Livestock water is provided by two wells with extensive pipeline to 6 tanks sites. Additional stock water is provided by 5 stock dams.

Price: $1,540,000 ($875/acre)

Comments: County gravel road access on the southern and eastern si...

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