This ranch is located on Lyons Creek just south of Wolf Creek, Montana. Consisting of 3,041 deeded acres and 1,440 acres of Montana State lease. The ranch has 2 miles of Lyons Creek flowing through it as well as 1 mile of South Fork of Lyons creek, with numerous springs are also on the property. Excellent Brook Trout and Cut Throat fishing, elk, deer, black bear, mountain lions, goats, big horn sheep, moose, wolves and the occasional grizzly bear habitat this area. The Lyons Creek Ranch and the O'Connell ranch are main corridors for big game animals moving from the Rocky Mountains to the Big Belt Mountain Range. Mountains near and on the ranch run form 7,031 feet in elevation, Mitchell Mountain, to the drainage at 4,100 feet; with lots of pine trees, fir trees and meadows. A quote from the Fish and Game says, Critical security area for all big game in the Western 2/3rds of hunting distri...
This ranch is located on Lyons Creek just south of Wolf Creek, Montana. Consisting of 3,041 deeded acres and 1,440 acres of Montana State lease. The ranch has 2 miles of Lyons Creek flowing through it as well as 1 mile of South Fork of Lyons creek, with numerous springs are also on the property. Excellent Brook Trout and Cut Throat fishing, elk, deer, black bear, mountain lions, goats, big horn sheep, moose, wolves and the occasional grizzly bear habitat this area. The Lyons Creek Ranch and the O'Connell ranch are main corridors for big game animals moving from the Rocky Mountains to the Big Belt Mountain Range. Mountains near and on the ranch run form 7,031 feet in elevation, Mitchell Mountain, to the drainage at 4,100 feet; with lots of pine trees, fir trees and meadows. A quote from the Fish and Game says, Critical security area for all big game in the Western 2/3rds of hunting district 339 and the southern portion of hunting district 423. The O'Connell Ranch could also be purchased which would add an additional 4,154 deeded acres and 3,830 acres State Leased land. Both ranches have the same Fish and Game conservation easement. Basically it allows hunters to hunt the 2 ranches from Sept. 1st through Nov. 30th. They can only drive on 1 road, can not camp, no fires, and can use horses. However you as the owner can, of course use all the roads and 2 ranches have quite a network of logging roads that are excellent 4-wheel riding, at least 50 miles of roads available to only the owners. A map of the hunters road is included for you to view. The gate on Lyons Creek road is locked the rest of the year. The easement does allow for mining and hydrocarbon exploration and logging. The only thing it does is prohibit subdividing the land, although each ranch is allowed 2 - 5 acres homesites. No restrictions on size or numbers of outbuildings. The easement also allows the rebuilding of any structures that are not for habitation. All in all, it is not too restrictive and thus could be put into a stricter easement. Fishing is not mentioned in the easement and Lyons creek is whirling disease free. Lots of places to build ponds, etc. If you are looking for a very large easy to maintain property this could be it. Also if you want a piece of property in Western Montana to put into a stricter conservation easement, this could be it. As can be seen on the maps, both ranches and the lease land fit very well together to make up a fairly square piece of property of about 22 square miles. If you want an in depth look plan on 2 days, it is that big. The pictures in this brochure can not even show the beauty, you must see for yourself.