LOCATION: Located in Central Eastern Oklahoma in LeFlore County. About 3 miles to a small town with grocery market, several churches and gas station. About 25 miles to Poteau. About 50 miles to the larger city of Ft. Smith, Ark. About 4.5 hours to Dallas. About 3 hours to Oklahoma City. About 1.5 hours to Tulsa. About 1 mile to Lake Wister. About 1.4 mile to the entrance to 10,000 acres of public use land surrounding Wister Lake. Property borders for mile along a graded county road. It is about 1 mile to paved county highway. Low traffic near end of road for privacy.
LAND: Excellent sandy-loam soils, level and valley-type land best suited to hay meadow, pasture, fruit, berries and garden crops of all kinds. Will run several head of livestock plus furnish winter hay for animals.
SERVICES: Electric, phone, school bus route, mail route and LP gas delivery.
BUILDINGS: There is a 1999 Clayton Mobile Home that is sitting on the property with electric hooked up to it. It is a 16 x 60, two bedroom, single bath home with living room and kitchen. There is a 10 x 20 wooden deck on the front. The Seller moved the mobile home onto the property and has never resided in it. It would require quite a lot of work for it to be livable. The Seller is selling this home in the as is condition. He will move it off of the property if the new buyer desires.
WATER: There is rural water on the property and a pond. The seller has drilled a 140 deep well that has a 6 casing and pumps 11 gallons per minute. The well is there, but water is not hooked up to the mobile home.
PRICE: This property is offered for $45,00.00. The Seller will sell without the mobile home for $40,000.
TAXES: $163.45
COMMENTS: One of the prettiest pieces of property located in a quiet rural area sparsely settled and near the end of the road so there is very little traffic. This 15 acre tract is nestled in a valley right at the base of a low range of hills. About 2 miles South is the 1.5 million acre Ouachita National Forest where you can fish in the lakes and streams, hunting for deer, quail,, squirrel, rabbit, turkey and other game. You can camp, hike or ride your horse for many miles over seldom traveled mountain trails and logging roads. This section is a wilderness and recreation area characterized by mile after mile of rolling mountains with narrow creek valleys where small farms, retirement places and ranches are located. Just a few feet from this property and you can enter the Wister Lake Recreation Area. This is about 10,000 acres of land surrounding Wister Lake used for hunting, camping, hiking or horseback riding. Its mostly wooded land with game trails throughout the forest. Plenty of good fishing all in the area as there are many lakes and streams.