189 Acres Offered in 4 Tracts - 3 Locations
Mon, Nov 5, 7:00 PM
Leesburg & Warsaw, Indiana
Owner: Richard & Peggy Klopenstein
Large Parcels of Productive Tillable Farmland Kosciusko County, Indiana Plain Township Warsaw Community Schools
Walk over or call the sale managers for private inspections.
The land totals 189.93 acres according to information taken from Kosciusko County records. You are closing on acreage according to county records.
Tract 1: On the north edge of Leesburg on SR 15. Tract 2: From SR 15 on the south edge of Leesburg, turn east on CR 600 N to Old SR 15 then turn south to CR 575 N, then turn east to the farm on the south side. Tracts 3 & 4: On SR 15 in Warsaw north of US 30 turn east on CR 350 N (at Othy) 1.5 miles east to CR 100 E then turn south 1/2 mile to CR 300 N, turn east to farm on south side of road. For Tract 4 continue past Tract 3 to CR 175 E turn south 1/2 mile to Tract 4 on the west side just past Osborn Rd.
The Leesburg Elementary School in Leesburg at the intersection of Armstrong Road and Old State Road 15.