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1,100 Acres Coyote Spring Ranch

1,100 Acres COYOTE SPRING RANCH Kendall County - COLOR BROCHURE in 'Resources' below.

Flat Rock Creek Road, Comfort, TX 78013

BROKERS NOTE: Offered in its entirety or in two 550+/- acre pastures: 558 Acres = $2,229,210 OR 551 Acres $2,201,245.

Description: Here is an opportunity to own a piece of property that has been in the same family since the 1800's. This ranch is one of the last remaining parcels of the notable Hill Country ranch developed by the celebrated Texas pioneers, John James and Alfred Giles. The Cedar on this ranch has been managed for years, allowing the hardwoods and grasses to flourish. The terrain is a good mixture of high hills with spectacular views and creek bottoms with springs and deeper soils.

Water: Flat Rock Creek along with several other drainages traverse the property and will run water during wet time. There are 2 known springs on the ranch. One...

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