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The Lady Justice Ranch

The Lady Justice Ranch is a classic example of what South Texas has to offer when targeting trophy whitetail deer. The native brush on this ranch is second to none. Tracts of this size are a rarity especially while checking so many boxes. The ranch lies both in Duval and Jim Wells counties.

Improvements: The Lady Justice Ranch has no upright structures but is completely high fenced, a great road system, plenty of water and overhead utilities to the headquarters.

Water: There are several tanks strategically placed across the ranch. These tanks provide adequate water for the wildlife and livestock. Numerous watering stations allow the livestock and wildlife to thrive in their own chosen areas. It's not necessary for them to travel long distances. There are two water wells on the ranch. One is submersible close to the headquarters and one is operated by generator which both supplement ...

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Dale Risinger

Risinger Realty
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