72.86 ACRES
This acreage tract is ideally situated only 32 miles from Savannah, GA, 36 miles from Beaufort, SC and 39 miles from Hilton Head Island, SC. The property fronts along SC Hwy 336 and a county road known as Floyd Road.
This tract at one time was part of larger farm where timber and cattle were the products of the land. Todays owner is transitioning the land to total timber production with the planting in the Winter of 2010, 35 acres of fields into Longleaf Pine. An additional 35 acres of harvested timberland is being planted in Loblolly Pine. The remaining acreage is mature hardwood stands. Extensive road frontage along SC Hwy. 336 and Floyd Road creates opportunities galore for this tracts future.
Seldom are tracts found with the wonderful combination of good soils, ideal shape, size and road frontage to ...
Seldom are tracts found with the wonderful combination of good soils, ideal shape, size and road frontage to make a tract suitable for division into estate size tracts for future development. Take it down and get ready to enjoy whether growing trees and hunting or creating home sites for yourself and family for the future.
151,200 ($2100/acre) Seller may consider selling smaller tracts.