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Large acreage with road access good moutain views

This is 82 acres of land with a dirt road access through it.

If you need it, owner financing is available through us as low as $354/month. No Credit Checks. Cash discount is available.

This property is very open. There are nice views of the mountains to the north east and north west.

Most of the vegetation is sage brush with desert grass in between. This time of year the grasses are mostly yellow.

The soil is compacted clay with silt on top.

This area has some geological activity. There are numerous mineral deposits on the property and the wash to the east that passes through the north east corner of the property is covered in these deposits. The ground through the wash was damp, possibly from hot spring activity or from the frost that was on the ground. There is a hot pot to the south east no more than a mile from the property.

Not far from Golconda in Humboldt County.

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PY Properties

Springfield, VA

(703) 936-9553