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4726 - Donaldson W

The Donaldson West Tract (listing #4726) is located about one and one-half miles north of Donaldson and is described as Part of N lying west of powerline, Section 26, Township 5 South, Range 18 West, containing 149.4 acres, more or less, Hot Spring County, Arkansas. Access is via woods roads through adjoining timberland, from gated gravel road. Tract is also accessible via large powerline right-of-way, which makes up the east boundary of property.

Merchantable timber on 81 acres with areas of large native pine sawtimber, pine pulpwood, and hardwood pulpwood. On 44 acres, most merchantable timber was harvested in 2013 and now contains pine and hardwood regeneration. Balance of acreage is swamp and powerline right-of-way. Site index for loblolly pine averages eighty-nine (89) feet (base age 50) on silt loam soils. Property offers immediate timber harvesting options, plus substantial acrea...

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